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How To Use A Mini Ads Agency™️ To Replace Your Paycheck In The Next 30, 60 Or 90 Days…(With as little as 4 clients!)

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THE INCREASE METHOD™️ presents: the "replace your paycheck" 5-DAy Challenge! 
Are You Ready to Replace Your Paycheck With An Online Income? 
Take Control of Your Finances. Recession Proof Your Life. Obtain a Skill That Will Pay You Forever.
(Watch This Quick Video)

By the End of This Life Changing, 5-Day Challenge You Will:

  • Have a RECESSION-PROOF Skill that has unlimited opportunity and can crush it in any economy. (Use it to create financial breathing room or scale it up and quit your day job)
  • Take Back Control of Your Time and Income: You'll never again let the "economy," a job, or a boss determine what you're worth or how much money you make...
  • Have All You Need to Start Earning Enough to Replace Your Current Paycheck...(Many will land their first 1k per month client before the challenge is over!)

Never Let the Economy, A Job, Or A Boss Control Your Income EVER AGAIN...

...This is Your Opportunity to Take Back Control of Your Life, Your Time and Your Freedom with a Simple "Mini" Ads Agency!

*For a Limited Time: Join Our 5-Day Challenge Experience For Faith-Based Entrepreneurs
($1,997 Value!)


There will also be Q & A, interaction with me, and a private community for extra coaching so that you can't fail!

My Big Promise To You:


**In fact: Many of you will have landed your first 1k per month client during the challenge!**

During The Next 5 Days You'll Discover:

  • Learn a new, "recession proof" skill set that can pay you for the rest of your life (Hey, that's more than college ever did for you!)
  • ​How to setup and run your own "Mini" Advertising Agency (NO previous experience required!)
  • How to get your first clients coming TO YOU (And how to do without being salesy, sleazy, or pushy)
  • ​How to deliver for your clients and keep them addicted so they pay you month after month
  • Use your new skill set to create financial breathing room, pay off debt, or scale up and replace your paycheck completely (<-- That's what I did ;)

Check Out The Results People Are Getting DURING The Challenge!

(Each Prospect is Worth About $1k Per MONTH...How Many Clients Will You Land In The Next 5 Days??)

Here's a Brief Overview of the Next 5 Days:

DAY 1: Your New Business Fast-Track Plan

I'll walk you through this new and extremely simple business model. I'll show you step by step how to set up your entire business for success (Cut the fluff - what you need to know now and what can wait for later)

DAY 2: Creating Your Business Assets (Secret Sauce)

There's a right way and a wrong way to do this. It's critical you set up your biz page CORRECTLY so that you easily attract new clients (instead of repelling them!) You'll have your business named and a logo designed by the end of the day!

DAY 3: How to Get Your First Client in the Next 24-48 Hours

This is where things get REALLY FUN! I'll show you how to get new clients coming TO YOU who are willing and able to pay $500, $1,000 even $1,500 a month for just a few hours of work... 
(Even if you have no previous experience! This lesson ALONE is worth $10k or more!)

DAY 4: Pricing - How Much to Charge and When

We'll get you setup to take credit card payments the fast and easy way - Then we'll talk $500 a month? $1,000 a month? $1,500 a month or more? What to charge and how to make it a "no brainer" price for your clients

DAY 5: How to Deliver Phenomenal Results for Your Clients So They Never Stop Paying You!

I'll show you how to write your advertisements, give you examples and you can even watch me create one right in front of your eyes. We'll also talk funnels and strategy too (Hint: There maybe a free funnel waiting for you in this module)

BONUS LESSON: How to Bulletproof Your Mindset

I'll walk you through this new and extremely simple business model. I'll show you step by step how to set up your entire business for success (Cut the fluff - what you need to know now and what can wait for later)


About Travis Peters

Travis is a faith-filled business owner, coach and online business consultant that believes entrepreneurship is not just a job, but a Calling... 

As Christians, it's our duty to be successful. The more successful we are, the more people we can help, the more influence we have and the bigger impact we can make! 

Travis has helped countless Christians make their first dollar online, creating successful side hustles so they can have financial breathing room, be stay at home moms and dads, or just free up their time to serve more at their churches... 

He has an amazing gift to take complicated concepts and make them extremely simple to follow and understand, this is the very reason he has helped so many people get results, even if they'd tried and failed in the past...Don't let this rare opportunity to work closely with Travis pass you by!

 * Time Sensitive: Our 5-Day LIVE and Highly-Interactive Challenge Is EXTREMELY Limited Due to the Popularity of Our Training. Our Zoom Account Can Only Hold So Many People, Join Now So You Don't Miss Out! 

For all my Faith-Based Entrepreneurs out there…

Those of you who love God and dream of making more income and more impact...

You’re in the right spot...

This challenge is for YOU. 

Over ten years ago I began my online business journey for the SAME reasons that are motivating you to start your business too...

You’re tired of AVERAGE.

(Because you're not average!) 

You're not okay with just "clocking in and clocking out" for the rest of your life...

You drag yourself to your day job, but it's sucking the life out...

You tell yourself, "one day it will get better" - but deep down you know that's NOT true...

UNLESS you take a new course of action... 

The reason you're unsatisfied, unfulfilled is because you know you were meant for MORE... 

You know you’ve been Called to something bigger… 

Something exciting, something new...

You’re passionate about family, church, serving God and helping people…

You have that entrepreneurial spark, a spirit that's full of ideas and adventure! 

You dream about being more generous, blessing your family and following the dreams and desires God has placed in your heart...

You see others living the life you want - 

...Time freedom

...Financial freedom 

...The nice cars, the big houses, the vacations 

Those are all GREAT things and it’s totally okay to want them…

In fact, it makes God look good when his kids are blessed and prosperous in ALL areas of life!

But there's also a desire for mission, impact and fulfillment...

And that’s exactly what brings me to you today. 

See there’s only TWO reasons you don’t have the lifestyle you desire: 

1. Lack of specific knowledge 
2. Taking action on THAT specific knowledge 

I’m going to help you with both. 

I’ve been a successful online entrepreneur for the past decade, generating multiple millions of dollars from my personal businesses and for my clients… 

I’ve also coached countless, church-going entrepreneurs on how to create a simple online income, replace their paychecks and many have even gone on to successful SIX FIGURE MONTHS...

Throughout all my experiences, a recurring theme has become extremely clear and evident… 

There is something that separates the successful from those who fail and quit... 

It’s not that they were “genius” business people or great on camera, or had a lot of money to start with… 

They didn’t have college degrees or anything like that… 

No, none of those things really matter…

They were armed with these three things: 

> A proven plan 
> Grit
> A mentor

They bought an online course and followed it to the “T”

They had determination. 

They made the decision to go ALL IN. 

They made the commitment that they weren’t going to stop trying until they hit their goals. 

They had someone that held their feet to the fire, encouraged them, gave them advice and direction and kept them accountable...

And that’s why I designed the “Replace Your Paycheck” 5-Day Challenge, the way I did… 

To teach you a new, extremely-valuable skill set...

To hold your hand along the way… 

To keep you accountable… 

To make sure you push through… 

To keep you on track…

To give you my PROVEN plan, the step by step process that works RIGHT NOW...

That’s my mission - to help you win.

Because when you succeed, God succeeds…

There’s no doubt in my mind you’re going to do great things with your newfound income and time freedom…

You’ll honor him, build His Kingdom and change lives...

This program is EXACTLY what I wish I had when I was getting started… 

Someone to put their arm around me, keep me on track and make sure I’m taking the RIGHT steps in the RIGHT order…

It would have saved me YEARS of trial and error…

I would have been able to shortcut A LOT of the process and start from a place of winning, instead of having to claw my way up to the top...

That’s why over the next 5 days, I’ll be “mentoring” you and coaching you on how to create a SIMPLE online income all from your laptop… 

There are hard ways to make money online, and there are easy ways... 

I'm going to show you the easy ways... 

By the time this challenge is over - you’ll have the skillset, the PROVEN plan and the accountability you need to FINALLY take action and start living out your dream...

(In fact, many of you, the action-takers, will make their first $500-$1000 per month client before the challenge is even over!)

Imagine what it will feel like to know that: 

You never have to worry about a job ever again… 

You have financial security with your new skillset... 

You can create financial margin whenever you want…

You can increase your income to upgrade homes, cars etc… 

You can “retire” your spouse from his or her day job…(Then you as well!) 

Give more generously than you ever dreamed of...

For those of you who have read this far down on the page…

YOU are who we’re looking for...

YOU have what it takes to make it this time...

I don’t care if you’ve failed in the past…

I don’t care if this is the tenth “challenge” you’ve signed up for this year… 

This time it’s different. 

This time everything changes. 

This time it STICKS. 

Success isn’t just for other people - it’s for YOU TOO. 

THIS time you’ll have access to all you need (not just some of it) 

> A proven plan 

> Grit, determination, commitment  

> A coach to hold your feet to the fire

With those three things - you CAN'T lose… 

And you’ll have all three during the challenge… 

I’ll make sure of it. 

So if you’re ready to finally do this - 

You're tired of dabbling and want to learn the BEST way to make a simple income online… 

Using a model that works in ANY economy (in fact many are saying it’s working BETTER THAN EVER right now - because of this economy!

Then click below and join the challenge. 

I’ve got your first “assignment” waiting for you on the other side… 

-Travis Peters

P.S. This the same business model I used to get create $6k a month recurring revenue in just 30 days for myself (I did it as an experiment to prove it works RIGHT NOW in today’s world and economic climate - I’ll give you the detailed case study of this inside the challenge as well) 

results from those who have worked with me:

It's Possible to Get Results FAST! (Hit 2k month recurring in just two weeks!)

Charge What You're Worth With This New Method:

Scale Up When You're Ready! 
(This Client is at $28k months)

Snagged a $2k a Month Client:
(Such a great feeling!)

Inside the Challenge You’ll Discover: 

  • The absolute BEST online business model for replacing your paycheck FAST (Most can fully replace their paychecks in 60-90 days or less using this new "Mini-Agency" model)
  • How to set up your business RIGHT from day one (Even if you're not tech savvy and have never done this before)
  • The SIMPLE way to effortlessly land new clients and have them pay you $500, $1,000 even $1,500 per month for just a few hours of work per month (Without be salesy, sleazy or pushy...In fact I'll show you how to have them chase YOU down and beg to work with you!)
  • Case Studies and Walkthroughs of powerful campaigns, ads and funnels
  • We'll also talk mindset, money, faith and mission - This is your chance to get Insider Access, mentorship with me personally, ask questions and get REAL answers! (Shortcut your success and skip the trial and error process)

frequently asked questions:

Who is this for?

This is for anyone who has the entrepreneurial spark but needs a little extra coaching and handholding to get started. It's for those who value their time, their freedom and looking to make more income and impact. We have had successful students of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. If you've ever struggled to start your online business, or even if you've failed in the past - THIS IS FOR YOU!

Who is this NOT for?

Let me be very clear - This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. While it IS possible to create income in a relatively short period of time, it DOES require work, showing up with an open mind, and a willingness to take action and change your financial future. I'm looking to help committed and determined people...Dabblers need not apply!

How do I join the challenge?

Just click any of the blue buttons on this page and you'll be taken to a sign up form. Once you enter your contact info, you'll be taken to the next page where you can officially join the challenge! Check your emails and keep us "whitelisted" as we will do most of our communicating there.

 Do I need previous online business experience?

Absolutely not! All you need to succeed here is the decision to go ALL IN. We'll provide the step by step teachings, lessons and instructions...We'll give you the knowledge, you take the action.

 I've tried and failed at stuff like this before, what makes this different?

If you're tried and failed in the past, don't lose heart! Don't get discouraged! The enemy wants you to quit, in fact he doesn't even want you to start! This time it's going to be different for you. If you've failed in the past, I need you to know it's not your fault. You simply didn't have all the tools you needed to succeed: A plan, a mentor, and accountability. That's the recipe for success, and that's what we provide during this challenge!

 What if I can't attend every day?

That's okay! Just come for as much of the challenge content as you're able. We'll keep the content up an extra day after the challenge is over if you need to catch up.

More Client Results:

*This is what's possible using the skills I teach (combined with grit and determination!)
"Travis took us from $60k per month to $140k per month in about 30 days! His genius in seeing subtle mistakes in our funnel and helping us make adjustments has changed everything for us..."   -T.F.
"Travis has a super-power to make complicated things EXTREMELY simple...He coached me and my team and within 60 days we increased sales by $54,000 PER MONTH!"   -J.M.
"Travis charges WAY TOO LITTLE haha, in a one hour phone call he showed us how to restructure our Sales Copy in a way that hit home with our niche...40 days later we shattered our monthly records going from $14k a month to $64k a month!"   -E.B.
"With Travis' help we made $74k in NEW sales last month. His willingness and dedication to our success was astounding"   -R.M.
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Congratulations. You Are Just 5 Short Days Away from Owning Your Own Mini-Ads Agency™️!

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